A dermatologist is the medical expert you should consult if you have any significant problem with your skin. Dermatology is the science that is concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the skin, hair and nails.
The skin is the largest and most visible organ of the body. It reflects the health of the body and acts as a barrier against injury and bacteria. Unfortunately, at one time or another, nearly everyone has some type of skin disease - infants, children, teenagers, adults and the elderly. One in six (15%) of all visits to the family doctor (GP) involves a skin problem.
What are the most common skin disorders that doctor Altamirano treats?
* Skin cancer
* Warts
* Fungal infections
* Dermatitis
* Psoriasis
* Vitiligo
* Acne affects every teenager to one degree or another.
* Hand dermatitis, resulting from external contact with detergents and household chemicals, affects most women with young families.
* One in six of all children develop atopic eczema
* One in five persons suffers from cold sores (herpes simplex).
Dermatologists have expertise in basic sciences including microbiology, pathology, biochemistry, physics, physiology, and endocrinology. They are familiar with all the other medical specialities because of their consultant work and because skin diseases are often associated with internal conditions.
Dermatologists perform skin surgery in many situations:
•To prevent or provide early control of disease, eg remove skin cancer.
•To improve the skin's appearance by removing growths, discolourations, or damage caused by ageing, sunlight or disease.
•To establish a definite diagnosis (biopsy).